Energy Science & Engineering Seminar Topics 2021
Energy Science & Engineering seminar topics has been designed for the energy sector with relevant inputs from mechanical engineering (e.g. thermodynamics, thermal engineering----), electrical engineering (e.g. power electronics, electrical machines) and chemical engineering (e.g. transport processes).Abstract,ppt & presentation for 2021 given here will be helpful for students doing Dual Degree( plus in Energy Science & Engineering,Energy Science & Engineering Management.Postgraduates doing M.S/M.E/ in Electrical/Mechanical/Power/Electronics can also used this seminar topics.
Plasmonic effects of metal nanoparticles to improve the efficiency of thin polycrystalline Si solar cells
Emergency Control of Power systems
Intermediate band quantum dot solar cells
Open Access issues and Indian Energy Act
Optimal distributed generation sizing for microgrids
Analysis of solar thermal power generation
Distribution generation
Solid Electrolyte Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells
Sensors in Transformer Condition Monitoring
Real Time Simulation Of Power Systems
Wind Generator driven doubly fed IG with matrix converter
Batteries and battery chargers, issues relating to them
Analysis of SOFC, MCFC, Fuel cell performance models & examination of viability of coupling gasifier output to the fuel cell.
Power quality issues with Grid connected Wind Energy Systems
Hydrodynamics and Heat transfer of Circulating Fluidised Beds
LED Lighting.
Inverter fault tolarance of BLDC devices
Fischer Trophs Process for manufacturing of synthetic fuels.
Direct Hydrocarbons For Fuel Cells
Ion Conductivity Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Expansion planning for power sector
Performance of tracking solar PV system.
Aerodynamic design of wind turbine
Hydrogen production from coal gasification
Homogeneous charge compression ignition engine
Net energy analysis of bio diesel,the energy analysis of different bio diesel and comparison with cost,efficiency and energy input. comment viability of bio diesel.
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) on porous Si
Numerical methods for analysis of field distribution in high voltage equipment
Applications of Fuel cells
Relative energy conversion gain in low concentrator PV systems
Field measurements of PV module parameters
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