steps to get Pass in Engineering University Semester Examination
Pass Engineering without much arrears is the dream of most Engineering
Students. We suggest some steps to
pass Engineering University Semester Examination that
includes Answering tricks & Exam Preparation tips.
How to Message a Blocked Whatsapp Number ?
Don't worry if he or she blocks your whatsapp number. Messaging blocked contact is possible in iPhone, Android and Windows. We teaches certain tips to sent message to a person blocks you.
How to format a write-protected pen drive or memory card ?
Some memory cards and USB pen drives have write protection switches, which allows you to prevent files from being deleted, or any new files being written to the device. It also prevents the drive or card from being formatted. Here are a couple of methods you can try to format the drive and remove the write protection.
How to Create Fake Whatsapp Location ?
People share whatsapp location through there iphone or android smart phone. Can we trust location?. Engineers World tells you how to prank your friends by sending fake locations in an easy way.
How to Fix DPC Watchdog Violation on Windows 10 & Windows 8
DPC Watchdog Violation is a common error resulted in unwanted Restart of your device running on Windows 10 or Windows 8. Video shows how to fix such problem in your pc or laptop
Download Free Seminar Topics with Abstract and ppt for all Engineering Branches
Latest Seminar Topics 2020 for Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil,
Computer, Automobile Engineering etc. have been updated here for B.tech and M.tech students. Engineers World have a collection of recent seminars from more than hundred branches in Engineering.
Projects for
Electrical ,Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, Computer
Final year Engineering Projects & Project ideas for Automobile,
Aeronautical, Chemical, Mechatronics, Biotechnology, ECE, EEE, CSE, IT etc..
M.Tech Specializations Courses in India
Complete List of M Tech Specialization Courses in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Chemical, Metallurgy, Mining etc.
Engineers Day
celebrated in India on September 15 2020
Engineering Community in India celebrates Engineers Day on September 15, 2020. Greeting Cards, Themes of Engineers Day 2020 given here.
Seminar Topics For Civil Engineering
Advanced Civil Engineering Seminar Topics Related to Construction Engineering, River Engineering, Logistics Engineering , Water Resource and Waste Management Engineering , Urban Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Pavement Engineering, Safety Engineering, Environmental Engineering , Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering.
Download Free Seminar Topics with Abstract and ppt for all Engineering Branches
Latest Seminar Topics 2019 for Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil,
Computer, Automobile Engineering etc. have been updated here for B.tech and M.tech students. Engineers World have a collection of recent seminars from more than hundred branches in Engineering.
Job oriented courses after B.Tech in Electronics and Communication engineering
Complete list of job oriented courses for electronics and communication engineering after btech. Study such additional courses for short terms earns you more salary
Seminar Topics For Electronics and Communication Engineering
ECE students can download latest seminars related to solid state devices, network theory, communication engineering, linear integrated circuits, digital electronics, optical communication, vlsi design, applied electronics, artificial intelligence, digital signal processing, microcontroller and embedded systems.
ECE Project Topics For M.Tech VLSI Design
Electronics / VLSI Based Projects, Project Topics, Abstract or Ideas for Electronics & Communication Engineering Students Pursuing M.tech in VLSI Design
Anywhere Anytime
A nice article written by Dr. S.Sangheethaa, Principal & Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, Calicut , Kerala.
Computer Science and Engineering Seminar Topics 2019
Latest Seminar Topics 2019 For Computer Science With Abstracts & Titles Covering Mobile Computing , Cloud Computing, Computer Design etc. Seminars are useful for Information Technology and Master of Computer Application Students
Free Whats App Alternative's For Android, iPhone and Windows
Whats App recent introduction of Blue Tick forced more people to migrate alternative Apps. Facebook said the messaging service will continue to operate independently. But in case you're still worried about WhatsApp's future, we've rounded up some free alternatives, below.

How to write in blue font on facebook?.
It is possible to write facebook status and comments in blue colour. we are providing tips and tricks to write facebook updates in various colors.coloring fb is simple,just copy paste code given in this page..
How to sent fake location on whatsapp ?
Whatsapp for Android, iPhone, Windows brought the option to share location. It is possible to share fake location in Whatsapp. Our video shows drag map method to share fake location.
Indian Girl Develops Touch-Free Smartphone Technology
Andrea Colaco,an Engineering girl from Goa has invented a technology that would enable the user to communicate with the cell phones through gestures. This is a path-breaking discovery as this would aide the cell-phone companies to do away with the screen-touch technology that is currently in use in most of the smartphones these days.
Shocking New Invention: Electric Underwear to Prevent Rape
Anti-Rape Underwear, which can shock a would-be rapist with 3,800 Kilovolts of electricity and send emergency text messages to the police was created by three engineering students in India.They are calling it Society Harnessing Equipment,SHE