Biomedical Engineering Seminar Topics 2021
Proton imaging and fighting cancer .
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
How to measure sleep apnea and hypopneas (SAHs)
Implantable myoelectric sensors for intramuscular electromyogram recording.
Artificial larynx using a PZT ceramic vibrator larynx
Optimizing the functionality of a voice recognition system for assistive technology
Automatic generation of subject-specific model for accurate markerless motion capture
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
Positive airway pressure in sleep apnea
Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery using the da Vinci system
Capturing circulating tumor cells (CTC’s) using nanotechnology
The NJIT robot assisted virtual rehabilitation system
Nano-Surgery for axon repair
Tissue-engineered blood vessel for adult arterial revascularization .
Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders
Augmented reality in a contact lens .
Ultrasound-guided robot for flexible needle steering
Correlating corneal arcus with atherosclerosis
Bioreactors as a means to tissue engineer normal cardiovascular function
Plasmonic magnetic nanostructure
Self-Assembling peptide scaffolds.
Thoracic insufficiency syndrome
Scar-free healing
Nanostructured probes for RNA detection