cryptography seminar abstract

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum mechanics and computer engineering together offers a new way for securing the data transfer. This is known as Quantum Cryptography. It provides secure key distribution over a network by the laws of quantum physics.

Cryptography and Network Security

Cryptography is the process of converting the message into coded language (encryption). The breaking of the coded message is called decryption. Cryptography covers the areas of authentication and encryption. Cryptography includes methods like code and code books, steganography and ciphers. Ciphers play the key role in cryptography. Symmetric cipher consists of a key called secret key used for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetric cipher consists of keys called public key (non-secret key) and private key (secret key). Substitution and transposition are the two methods of encryption. Substitution is the method of replacing the original letter with the duplicate. Transposition is the rearrangement of the given plain-text. Encrypting the message deals with many algorithms like DES, AES, RSA, MD5, SHA-1,etc. DES is a secret key algorithm. RSA is a public key algorithm. Algorithms like DES, RSA cannot shorten the long length messages. The solution is to digest the messages using a hash function. The two most common hash functions are called MD5 and SHA-1. MD5 is ideal for authentication purposes. MD5 algorithm produces 128-bit message digest output. It is slightly faster than SHA-1. Thus without proper network security, whatever may be the developments in the networks, we cannot efficiently utilize the benefits.

Practical Cryptography

Applied Cryptograph

DES brute force cracking



Cryptographic processors and co-processors

Computer aided cryptographic engineering

Cryptography in wireless applications (mobile phone, WLANs, analysis of standards, etc.)

Cryptography for pervasive computing (RFID, sensor networks, smart devices, etc.)

FPGA design security

Cryptographic protocol errors

Hardware IP protection and anti-counterfeiting

Reconfigurable hardware for cryptography

Invisibility of most failure modes

Smart card processors, systems and applications

Security in commercial consumer applications (pay-TV, automotive, domotics, etc.)

Secure storage devices (memories, disks, etc.)

Technologies and hardware for content protection

Trusted computing platforms