Biomedical Engineering Seminar Topics 2021

Proton imaging and fighting cancer .

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

How to measure sleep apnea and hypopneas (SAHs)

Implantable myoelectric sensors for intramuscular electromyogram recording.

Artificial larynx using a PZT ceramic vibrator larynx

Optimizing the functionality of a voice recognition system for assistive technology

Automatic generation of subject-specific model for accurate markerless motion capture

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

Positive airway pressure in sleep apnea

Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery using the da Vinci system

Capturing circulating tumor cells (CTC’s) using nanotechnology

The NJIT robot assisted virtual rehabilitation system

Nano-Surgery for axon repair

Tissue-engineered blood vessel for adult arterial revascularization .

Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders

Augmented reality in a contact lens .

Ultrasound-guided robot for flexible needle steering

Correlating corneal arcus with atherosclerosis

Bioreactors as a means to tissue engineer normal cardiovascular function

Plasmonic magnetic nanostructure

Self-Assembling peptide scaffolds.

Thoracic insufficiency syndrome

Scar-free healing

Nanostructured probes for RNA detection

Particle image velocimetry used to see physiology

Catheter based imaging for percutaneous medical device placement

Radiofrequency ablation energy for liver cancer applications.

Polypropylene meshes used to prevent abdo

Implantable myoelectric sensors for intramuscular EMG recording

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